Membership & Policy
We always welcome new singles to our Club. As long as you are single, separated, divorced or widowed and thirty (30) years of age or older, you may attend any of our functions. You do not need to be a member of our Club to come to our events, although there are many benefits if you were to become a member. Ask any of our Executive Members or our Liaison Officer will get back to you.
Download our Membership Form > here
(The membership form is in PDF format and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and/or print it).
When you have completed the form you may submit it to any member of our Executive at any of our activities.
$50.00 per year (effective April 1st, annually).
Our fiscal year is from April 1-March 31 of the following year. Dues are also paid from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Payment can be made either by cash or cheque. Make cheques payable to the “30 Plus Club Inc.”
November 30th, yearly will be the last date for this membership year to renew or apply for membership. No renewals or new applications will be accepted after this date! We will begin accepting renewals and new applications in March.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: When you supply the Singles Dance & Social Club with your personal information when you apply for membership, we will not under any circumstance share or transmit any personal information between members except those serving on a phone committee and then only for the purpose of notifying you of Club activities. To read our privacy policy for interacting with this website click here:
The Singles Dance & Social Club – and/or – The 30 Plus Club Inc. shall not be responsible for the actions of club members or guests before, during or after an activity or event. Nor shall the Club be responsible for any injury, loss, or damages to person and /or property arising out of any of club activities.
Should you wish to read our Constitution, it is available to view here